Image by Arie (pinguintje)

NOTE: This is not the original PinheadHQ/PinheadAdventure Web-Site but a recreation to preserve and document the legacy of Walter Pinhead, his adventures, trials and tribulations.
Last Updated 08/31/2021


When the Pinhead projects started in 2006, the original committee was a four member group. The committee has evolved once or twice since.

  • Paul - The man who started something with a simple post on a web forum. He asked if anyone was interested in a group project. The response was a pretty impressive YES from a great many forum members. The funny part? He is the only committee member to never take Pinhead on an adventure.
  • Althea - Fearless leader of the Pinhead Project. She has great enthusiasm for editing, friends, and things in general. Without her, the co-creator of Pinhead, there would be no Pinhead.
  • Brian - Like Althea and Paul, has been with the Pinhead Project from the beginning. His main contribution being, but not limited to the (original) PinheadHQ web site.
  • Kayla - Left just before the Start of Pinhead's Tell A Story Project. She served as our spokesperson, among other things and behind the scenes cheerleader.
  • Joe - A Multi talented editor, winning Two top awards in the past two projects. He joined up lending his amazing talents behind the scenes.
  • Gerry - Another multi talented two time winner, He brings a great deal of talent, particularly with his expertise in iClone, among other things.

Currently the committee has been disbanded.